Registration for the general public is now open!
Registration for the general public is now open!


  • Přihlašování bude spuštěno 1. června 2021.
  • Všem aktuálním účastníkům pošleme včas email s personifikovaným registračním odkazem.
  • Noví zájemci se mohou registrovat po výběru preferovaného kurzu přímo přes náš web.
  • Kdo nevydrží do září, může se zúčastnit našich letních kempů anebo v rámci letní přípravy trénovat podle našich online tréninků ;-)

General Terms and Conditions of Gymnathlon

Gymnathlon Organisers:
SportAnalytik Limited, registered at: L.Graham street 18, Sliema, Malta, represented by: Jan Cap, director, hereinafter referred as ‘Provider’ with the object of the activity to organize specific training courses for children focused on the development of the gymnastic and athletic skills and team play (hereinafter referred as ‘Services’). The training course is designed for children of two age groups:
From 4-6 years
From 6-8 years.

Contractual relationship:
Between the Provider and the legal representative of the child participating at the training course as a customer (hereinafter referred as ‘Customer’) is governed by Maltese law and is subject to these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred as “Terms and Conditions”). Contractual relationship between the Provider and the Customer starts with the registration of the child at the Gymnathlon training course and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions by the Customer before the provision of the Services to the Customer.

The pricelist can be found on the Gymnathlon website The Customer is obliged to pay for the Services the price established in the Pricelist.

Training course:
The training course consists of 28 Gymnathlon training lectures (hereinafter referred as ‘Training Course’) divided into 2 training semesters. Each training lecture has a duration of 60 minutes. The Training Course is based on the mix of athletic, gymnastics and mental exercises. At the end of the Training Course each child has the opportunity to be is tested with the SportAnalytik methodology which identifies the sports type and the most suitable sports for each child.

Conditions of participation at the training course:
The Customer is responsible for bringing the child on time for the Training Course. After the Training Course the Customer is obliged to collect the child. During the duration of the Training Course the Customer needs to make sure that the Provider might reach him on his/her mobile number provided during the registration. If the child is sick or injured, the child shall not attend the training course. The child will have a possibility to attend one catch-up lecture at the end of the training course.

The registration starts with the compilation of the registration form (hereinafter referred as “Form”) at The Form can be filled in either electronically at the Gymnathlon website or by printing and signing. Agreement with the Terms and Conditions is an obligatory part of the registration. Agreement with the Terms and Conditions is confirmed either by submission of the Form in the electronic way or by the signing of the printed Form. In order to participate at the Gymnathlon Training Course the child needs to be physically and mentally healthy. By accepting the Gymnathlon terms and conditions the Customer confirm that child is physically and mentally healthy to participate in the Training Course. In case of any doubt, the Customer is advised to consult the child’s pediatrician.

Liability waiver:
The Customer is obliged to inform the Provider about any medical/health problems of the child, any medication the child needs to take or health aid the child needs to use. The Customer is obliged to ensure the child has taken the medication and health aid needed. All the risks related to the physical and mental fitness of the child are carried by the Customer. The recommendations of the Provider received at the end of the Training Course are only tentative and do not automatically mean that the child will excel in the sport which was recommended to him/her by the Provider. The success of the child in the relevant sport is influenced by many external factors and the Provider will not take any responsibility for the future success of the child in the sport recommended by the Provider. The Provider will not take any responsibility for the loss or damage of the items carried to the Training Course which are not necessary during the sports day, such as jewelry, electronics, large amounts of money etc.

If you decide to cancel your membership later we will deduct from total membership EUR 12 for each hour and a one-time administration fee of EUR 15. After the 5th session it is no longer possible to request a refund. For more information, see our cancellation policy.

By accepting the Terms and Conditions I expressly agree and understand that any image and recording of my child and/or myself may be used for Gymnathlon website and Facebook page and for promotional adverts/videos or materials.

Informace ke zpracování osobních údajů

Správcem osobních údajů je Gymnathlon Praha, z.s., Psohlavců 1756/26d, 147 00 Praha 4, IČO: 06390803, email: Osobní údaje jsou zpracovávány za účelem vedení seznamu členů tohoto spolku a za účelem nezbytné komunikace s účastníkem sportovního programu GYMNATHLON a jeho zákonnými zástupci a pro dokumentaci činnosti spolku včetně pořizování fotografií nebo zvukových či obrazových záznamů (videí) ze sportovního programu, a to po dobu členství a účasti na programu GYMNATHLON. Subjekt údajů má právo kdykoliv požadovat od správce přístup k osobním údajům, které se ho týkají, jejich opravu nebo výmaz v případě ukončení členství, popřípadě na omezení zpracování a dále právo vznést námitku proti zpracování, jakož i právo na přenositelnost údajů za podmínek stanovených obecně závaznými právními předpisy. Subjekt údajů má právo odvolat svůj souhlas, je-li zpracování založeno na jeho souhlasu. Subjekt údajů má právo podat stížnost u Úřadu pro ochranu osobních údajů. Vedení seznamu členů spolku upravuje občanský zákoník a v souladu s ním stanovy spolku.

Camp registration


De La Salle 

St Edward St, Birgu 9021

Gymnathlon EASTER CAMP

4-9 Years
The condition for participation is reaching 4 years of age the day of starting the camp.

23.04. - 25. 04. 2025

Wednesday - Friday

Complex sports training

The training sessions are conducted in accordance with the Gymnathlon philosophy with an emphasis on the maximum sport experience of the children. The content is a mix of athletics, gymnastics and movement games. The camp is themed, with children participating in an Easter hunt. Each child will receive a certificate of participation and a small gift to remember the experience.

EUR 109 / 3 days

The price includes a 3 days sports program, Gymnathlon small gift, drinking regime, game plan with motivational stickers and lots of fun with our coaches :)
Detailed cancellation policy can be found here.

Jan Cap

Camp leader

Parents can claim a tax rebate of up to €300 per child annually. While registration doesn’t require providing a parent’s ID number, without it, the parent will not be eligible for the rebate.

As a legal representative of the child I am aware and agree that the personal data provided in the registration form will be filled by SportAnalytik Limited registered atTriq Il Knisja 65 Msida, Malta. The personal information collected will be only used for the registration of the child for the Gymnathlon training course and for the necessary communication of the child with his/her legal representative.
I herewith confirm that my child is healthy and fit to take part in the Gymnathlon training course.

  • Payment by card only
  • The capacity of the courses is limited and participation in the course is not possible without valid registration.
  • Prepare your little athlete for First training of the Gymnathlon.

Gymnathlon Camps Cancellation Policy

Cancellation 2 Weeks Before Start: Full Refund
Cancellation 3 Days Before Start: 50% Refund
Cancellation Less Than 3 Days Before Start: Non-refundable

Child Replacement Option:
We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise. In the event that a child cannot attend, we allow for a replacement by another child. Please inform us in advance with the necessary details for a smooth transition.
