Registration for the general public is now open!
Registration for the general public is now open!


  • Přihlašování bude spuštěno 1. června 2021.
  • Všem aktuálním účastníkům pošleme včas email s personifikovaným registračním odkazem.
  • Noví zájemci se mohou registrovat po výběru preferovaného kurzu přímo přes náš web.
  • Kdo nevydrží do září, může se zúčastnit našich letních kempů anebo v rámci letní přípravy trénovat podle našich online tréninků ;-)
Complex physical training

for children 4-9 years

  • varied all-day sports content
  • maximum sports experience
  • skills training, team competitions
  • outdoor and indoor program
  • qualified and experienced coaches

Gymnathlon camp is a thematic camp for children aged 4-9 years focused on complex sports development in the spirit of the Gymnathlon philosophy.

Camp is a rich composition of exercises from athletics, gymnastics and movement games designed in such a way that the program is as varied as possible and the children get the maximum amount of sports experience from it.

The camp runs on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Each of the 3 days is divided into blocks and each block is dedicated to one of 6 movement skills.

Emphasis is placed on children's playfulness, fun and cooperation. During the day there is enough time for rest and water/snack breaks.

The camp will be led by experienced Gymnathloncoaches who are also in charge of the Gymnathlon trainings during the scholastic year. Every child can look forward to a game plan accompanying the entire camp and motivational stickers received for all the skills practiced.

Choose location

Easter camp - De La Salle College, Birgu


Easter camp - St Monica School , Gzira

Easter camp - De La Salle College
Easter camp - St Monica School

The course of the Gymnathlon Camp

Sample schedule of the day (Monday)

8:00 - 8:30
Taking over children
8:30 – 9:30
Jumps - training of various jumping styles
9:30 – 9:45
Snack, rest
9:45 – 10:45
Team competitions in jumping games
10:45 – 11:30
Lunch, rest, entertainment
11:30 – 12:30
Running training - sprint, slalom, correct technique
12:30 – 12:50
Evaluation, awarding stickers
12:50 – 13:00
Pick up children

Do you have a question?
Contact us

Jan Cap


John Dimech

Operations Manager & HR

Kersty Fenech

Regional Manager - South Area & Methodology

Ilaria Pasavento

Regional Manager - Central Area & Projects

"Our wish is that children fall in love with sport. For this reason we want to present sport to children in a playful way and not as a stresfull activity full of drills. We want every Gymnathlon training to be a positive experience when children forget about the world around them and come back excited and happy. We want Gymnathlon to be one of the first steps on the path to a lifelong love for sport."

Gymnathlon Team

Correspondence addresses

SportAnalytik Ltd.

L.Gragam street 18

Thank you to our partners for their cooperation